How to makes good food for health and best nutrrients for our helath3
What is food?

Food is any liquid, semi-solid or solid which contains nutrients and energy and when taken or eaten nourishes the body.
Food contains important substances which provide energy to move, think, work, run our body systems, keep us healthy, help to boost our immune system and protect us from infections. When we eat or take food, our bodies absorb useful nutrients into the blood and they are transported to areas where they are needed or stored. The food we eat or take is used for growth, maintenance and body functions.
Classification of foods according to their functions
Foods may be classified according to their functions in the body:
Energy-giving foods
Foods rich in carbohydrates and fats are called energy-giving foods or “GO” foods. They provide energy to the body and are essential for phys- ical activity and basic functioning of the body. Foods like cereals, roots, tubers, starchy fruits and vegetables oils, milk, butter and ghee are good sources of energy.
Body-building foods
Foods that contain proteins are termed as body-building foods or “GROW” foods. These help in maintaining life and growth and repairing worn out and damaged body tissues. “GROW” foods come from both animal and plant sources. Milk, meat, eggs and fish are good sources of animal proteins while legumes and nuts are good sources of plant protein. Animal protein sources are considered to be of high quality compared to plant sources, apart from soybeans.
Mineral and vitamin-rich foods are called protective or “GLOW” foods. They play an important role in promoting body immunity and regulatory functions. The major sources of “GLOW” foods are fruits and vegetables. Fortified foods, such as iodized salt, are also good sources of “GLOW” foods.
Nutrients in food
Nutrients are substances found in food that feed the body. They are needed by the body to sustain general health and physiological functions, for instance: provision of energy, building the body mass, keeping the body warm, boosting immunity and regulating the various body functions that help someone to live.
Major nutrients in human nutrition
Nutrients in food are divided into three major categories: macronutrients, micronutrients and water.

Macro nutrients
These are needed in large amounts:
These are the primary source of energy in most diets. They include starches, fibre and sugars. Sweet foods such as sugar, jam, cakes and sugary drinks are sources of carbohydrates but should be consumed minimally because they do not provide any other nutrients and may increase risk of overweight.
Carbohydrate requirements
Individual carbohydrate requirements vary according to age, sex, phys- ical activity level and physiological status. The recommended daily carbohydrate intake should provide about 45% to 65% of the total body energy/calorie requirements of 2000–3000 kilocalories (kcal). One gram of carbohydrates provides 4 kilocalories.
Proteins are body-building foods and are needed for growth and devel- opment, maintenance and repair of tissues, production of metabolic and digestive enzymes, and formation of certain hormones and all cells and tissues.
Protein requirements
The amount of protein that one should take daily is about 1 gram per kilo- gram of body weight. Example: if a person weighs 60 kilograms, he will need 60 grams of protein each day. This amounts to one egg or a piece of meat approximately the size of an egg. However, children, teenagers, and preg- nant and lactating mothers need more protein as indicated below:
Children: 30–50 g (half a palm of meat)
Teenagers: 60–75 g (a palm of meat)
Adults: 60–70 g (a palm of meat)
Pregnant and lactating mothers: 90 g (one and a half palm of meat)

Fats and oils
Fats and oils also known as lipids are derived from both animal and plant sources.
Fats are high-energy food, the body’s tissue builders, which aid in brain development of the infants, enable the body’s functions, and allow the proper absorption and usage of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. The primary makeup of lipids is glyc- erol and fatty acids. Chemical characteristics have categorized the fatty acids as saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
Sources of fats/lipids/oils
Animal sources include meat, suet, bacon, oil fish, cheese, butter, lard, milk, and egg yolk.
Plant sources include groundnuts, soya, cocoa, sim-sim, maize, avo- cado, margarine, wheat germ, corn, sunflower, and palm oil.
Dietary fibre
This is a form of complex carbohydrate that is part of the nondigestible portion of the food.
Dietary fiber enhances the body’s feeling of fullness thereby preventing overeating. High-fiber diets guard against constipation. Fiber slows down the rate at which the body absorbs sugar and cholesterol protecting the body from heart diseases and diabetes. Dietary fiber gives bulk to the feces. Besides, dietary fiber slows down the digestion of starch.
Main sources of dietary fiber
Legumes such as beans, peas, and pigeon peas among others.
Fruits such as mangoes, oranges and pineapples among others.
Micro nutrients
These are needed by the body in minute amounts and include: vitamins and minerals.
Vitamins are organic compounds that perform specific metabolic func- tions in the body.
There are two forms of vitamins:
Fat-soluble vitamins
These are stored by the body and require dietary fat to be absorbed.
They include vitamins A, D, E, and K. Fat-soluble vitamins are required for development and maintenance of body tissues and their functions, such as: eyes (vitamin A), bones (vitamin D), muscles, and blood clot- ting (vitamin K), protection of cells (vitamin E), synthesis of enzymes, and absorption of essential nutrients. Dietary sources of fat-soluble vitamins are: carrots, tomatoes, liver, offal, kidney, gizzard, heart, milk, and milk products, and leafy vegetables.
Water-soluble vitamins
These the body does not retain and has to be supplemented continuously.
They include vitamins C (ascorbic acid), and the B complex group. The roles include free-ing of energy, promotion of utilization of macronu- trients and synthesis of red blood cells. Foods rich in soluble and water-soluble vitamins are fruits, dark leafy vegetables, whole grains, meat, fish, poultry, and fortified cereals. Vitamins in citrus fruits are especially high. Vitamin C is very important in enhancing bioavailability of iron from plant foods.

Vitamins needs
Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body and have to be con- sumed daily.
Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and do not have to be taken daily, excessive intake of these vitamins is toxic.
Minerals are necessary for the proper performance of body processes such as growth, development, water balance, and neurological processes.
Minerals of public health concern
Zinc helps support and fortify the immune system, aid healing of wounds and facilitates digestion besides being a principal component of skeletal muscle. Crucial sources from diet are beef, seafood, liver, nuts, beans, and whole grains.

It maintains the fluid balance, cell turgidity, media for all biochemical reactions in the body, solvent for certain nutrients, used in removing excreta and keeps some parts of the body moist. Water is essential for life because it forms part of the body cells and fluids, such as blood and digestive juices.
Water requirements
Drink water every day, especially when the weather is hot since so much is lost through sweating, to avoid dehydration. A minimum of 2–3 Litres per day is recommended for an adult person. All drinks such as tea, coffee, fruit juice count towards there commended daily total of at least 8 cups a day for an adult. Children should drink all the time as they need.
The body needs water for many things:
To move nutrients throughout your body.
To constitute blood, saliva, tears and sweat.
To carry on body functions, like digestion.
To moisten the mouth and lungs, as well as moisten and cool the skin.
To make milk to feed your baby; this is also water.
You will need more water for:
During illness when a raised temperature results in increased sweat- ing. If vomiting or diarrhea has occurred, both of which can cause dehydration especially in babies.
In lactation when extra water is required for milk production. After intensive activity such as sport.

Nutrition is the process of providing or acquiring the food required for health and growth. It broadly encompasses all actions necessary for obtaining, handling, preparing, serving, eating, and utilization of food by the body. When individuals or communities do not feed appropriately, they face a possibility of becoming malnourished and can face serious health problems. Extension workers should promote good nutrition in the community.
What is nutrition?
Good nutrition is described as a stage when the foods we consume allow the body to obtain the nutritional requirements for physiological activities. The state depends on age, sex, physical working capacity, physiological condition, and sex. Nutritional needs at all stages throughout the life cycle are important because it begins in pre-conception, conception, pregnancy, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Through good nutrition, it makes an individual healthy, very productive, and enhances the quality of life.
high fiber foods
mashed potatoes recipe
avocado toast
Good nutrition means:
The right amounts (quality and quantity) to ensure a balance diet and should be prepared in the correct way and right place.
Good nutrition is important because it:
Enhances physical and cognitive development.
Enhances breast milk production for the mother to adequately breastfeed her child.

This is my blog on food ,so you can enjoy reading material .Thanks How to makes good food for health and best nutrrients for our helath3