Exploring Digital Gold Investment Challenges, Behavior, and

Discover how digital gold investment is transforming traditional investment practices in Indonesia. Learn about the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), research findings, and key factors influencing investor attitudes and intentions.
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Due to regulatory regulations, gold investors are no longer able to make physical gold purchases directly from gold merchants. This discourages investors from seeking out new investment choices that are more flexible, such as digital gold investing.
As a breakthrough, digital gold investment through e-commerce platforms is not particularly popular in Indonesia because Indonesian investing behavior is considered traditional, with people preferring direct gold transaction methods and physical gold investment. Before investors can adjust to digital gold investing via e-commerce platforms, an internal and external push will most certainly be required.
Literature review

According to the author, the deconstructed Theory of Planned conduct technique provides a more thorough explanation of the phenomena of intention and conduct. In this scenario, the TPB deconstructed model offers an advantage since it has qualities with the TAM model, which may identify certain beliefs assumed to impact the application of information technology.
At the same time, other aspects, such as social perception and perceived behavioral control, are included that are not currently available in TAM but have been shown to have a major impact on behavior.
This demonstrates that human social conduct may be defined using elements such as intention, attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. The combination of these components has been shown to correctly describe the complexity of human behavior.
Research method exploring

This research is analytical, and its aims indicate that it is explanatory. The research approach employed is survey-based, which can offer information on the relationship between variables. The location for this non-contrived/field study was a real situation. Nonetheless, the amount of disruption created by this research is small because the researcher’s online survey will not inconvenience the respondents and can be finished swiftly.
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Result and discussion

In the present investigation, the authors gathered 324 responses in total. These responses were effectively controlled within three weeks.When the authors used a screening criteria (to gather responders who hadn’t invested in digital gold on an online store previously), the number of respondents declined.Thus, only 261 research respondents satisfied the criterion.The data attributes of the 261 respondents will then be explored further using descriptive analysis to offer a basic description of their demographics based on their gender, age, income, and place of residence.
Conclusion and recommendation

Based on the research questions in Chapter 1 and the discussion outcomes in Chapter 4, it is possible to conclude that four of the seven hypotheses in this study were determined to be acceptable. Invest, Attitude variable to intention to invest, Perceived behavioral control variable to intention to invest, Attitude variable to intention to,Invest, change the Perceived Usefulness variable to Attitude, and then change it to Intention.
The Subjective Norms variable on Intention, the Perceived Ease of Use variable on Attitude, and the Perceived Ease of Use variable on Intention to Invest were all discarded since they could not be shown to have a meaningful influence.bigg boss 18 winner

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